

Ted Danson is such a babe...

Sleep.  I think I've experienced it once or twice.  Possibly?  Maybe?  

For the past year or so my ability to get a good night’s rest has been lost.  If you find it, by all means let me know.  My body is all like, "Hey, I'm tired.  Let's go to sleep."  And my brain is all like, "You’re funny, that's a good one!"  

I used to have the problem where I just wouldn’t be able to shut my brain off until about 3:30am or so in the morning, I’d fall asleep, then wake up about 3 hours later and take 20 minute naps until I had to get ready for work.  Now I’ll fall asleep around 10:30/11:00pm, sleep for about two hours and wake up wired just waiting to fall back asleep.  *Sigh…

My sleepless nights have caused me to pray more, which is a good thing.  I always grew up believing that if you were awake in the middle of the night, it was for a reason.  God either had something to say or He wanted to hear from me.  So, I’ve been intentional to spend time with the Lord in my restlessness.  While  I’m definitely tired of being tired.  I’m not tired of spending time with God.  My life has been so busy lately, that it truly has been great spending this uninterrupted time with Him.  The Lord has really compelled my heart to intercede for others in the middle of the night.  Most time I’ll wake up, instantly have someone on my mind, and just know that’s who I’m supposed to pray for.  Jesus and I….we’ve got a system.

I also must make it known that what’s been going on in the above mentioned paragraph is something new for me.  At some point I’ll write about all of my fears and anxieties that I’ve experienced as a believer.  Just not now : )

My cat, Michael Jackson, has lost his ever loving mind.  The past two nights he has slept in his litter box.  That’s so incredibly disgusting; I just don’t know what to do.  I obviously can’t keep him away from it.  But, geez!  Ugh.

I felt like a real adult this past weekend and bought nice sheets. They’re nothing crazy like 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton or anything.  But they’re nice to me.  Oh, the things that make me feel like a “real adult”. 

You know, God is awesome. 

This past Sunday my friend’s husband was able to come to church with us.  Our church is currently in a series on the attributes of God.  This past Sunday the sermon was about wrath.  Honestly, my first thought when I put two and two together was, “Oh, shit!”   Really, I mean really?  The ONE Sunday he’s able to come and the sermon is on the wrath of God.  Great! 

After the service we all went to lunch and her husband told me he really liked the service and was looking forward to coming back next week.

Really?, I mean really?  We heard the same sermon right?  You mean to tell me the wrath of God didn’t offend you?  You want to come back for more?

God, you are so awesome and good, and wonderful, and worthy of praise.   I can’t help but laugh at my unbelief.  Truth be told, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to sell God to my friend if my pastor came out punching with the wrath card.  Who do I think I am worrying I won’t be able to sell God to my friends?  Oh, Annie… ye of little faith.   

I finished watching all of the episodes of Frasier which has now led me to Cheers on Netflix.  As a little girl I used to stay up with my mother and fall asleep watching Cheers as we laid on the couch together.  Here I am…noticing for the first time ever… Ted Danson is such a babe!  Get it Dianne!

Well, here I am a month after my last post.  But, hey…I’m here.

I’ll be back again soon.  The Lord is doing too much in my life not to blab all about it.

Love God Love People,



Here we go again...

My friend Whitley and I got together the other day to make our summer bucket lists.  Sandwiched inbetween trips to the zoo, kayaking, concerts and creating art... one will find the goal of writing.  Yet again I am going to give this whole blogging thing a go.  I will forever have gajillion things to say and will forever feel it's imperative for me to share any and every thought that pops into my head.  So, we go again...This is where you can get to know me as I grow up, have crazy experiences, form tastes, and learn a thing or two about life.  This post is just my "start".  Gotta get going with something.  I'm gonna go live and hopefully have a really great Saturday.  I encourage you to do the same.  Fingers crossed I'll end up with something worth writing about ;)

Love God Love People,


And this is an attempt to make you laugh....